The Comm and Gender Spot

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Busy and Getting Busier

As many of you who come here often have noticed, I'm not posting as frequently as I was. Before my trip to Europe it seems like I was posting nearly every day. Now I'm lucky to get three postings on here in a week.

I just thought I'd keep everyone up-to-date on what it is that I am doing that is taking up all of my time.

First I have my appointment as a research assistant to Dr. Rob Potter. I was doing some data analysis for him on his recent I-squared audio project. Now that I am through all of the data analysis we are meeting tomorrow to discuss how to turn it into a paper.

Then I have taken on an hourly position working for Dr. Walter Gantz. In this position I have been running many, many analyses on content analysis data looking at advertising, and specifically food advertising, targeted towards children. This project was made possible by funding from the Kaiser Family Foundation.

I also was recently told that I would continue my annual contribution to orientation for new graduate students here in the Department of Telecommunications at Indiana University. Specifically, I organize two sessions in the training of new and returning Associate Instructors (or what other universities call Teaching Assistants). I plan one session where all AIs get together and returning AIs answer all possible questions that new AIs may have. In addition I organize a practice teaching exercise (in the past called microteaching and microspeaking) so that AIs can see how people from different background and with different styles can teach the exact same material.

I was also informed last week by Dr. Gantz, who is the chair of the telecommunications department) that I would actually be teaching a course of my own during the fall semester. This was something that I was asked about a few weeks back but was not a definite thing until this past Friday. I am very happy to be thought of for this position because this does not happen very often in our department. In the fall I will be teaching TEL T348-Audience Analysis. (Click here for a description from the last time the course was taught.)

On top of all this I am working on my dissertation proposal. I truly hope to get this proposal done as soon as possible because I would like to have a new piece of equipment built for the Institute for Communication Research Lab that it does not yet have and that I would need for my dissertation. Because the building of this equipment would take time (and hopefully money donated from research funds from faculty and possibly even the College of Arts and Sciences), getting my proposal done ASAP really is a must.

So as you can see, my time lately has been jam packed with things to do. Who said being a graduate student was easy?


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